Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Our New Family Member

Can we have a dog?

Mom, when do you think we could get a dog?

How much would it cost to get a dog?

I promise I would take care of it!!

I promise to scoop the poop!

This was a recurring subject of Logan and Dallin. When do you think we could get a dog? I think they knew it wasn't in the near future, but they never gave up hope. It wasn't until James called one night explaining that there was a family that was trying to find good homes for their three dogs. After much thought, viewing pictures, we decided to take the plunge. We told the kids we were going to "look" at a dog and have her come stay with us for a couple of days to see how she did. They were ecstatic!! We went to James' work to meet and pick up Belle. She definately was a cute dog and we were surprised to see how mellow she was. After about a half an hour, we loaded her up in our car and took her home.

We are now on day 4 and Belle has attached herself to Logan. She goes wherever he goes. Logan loves to read to Belle and takes her on 2 or 3 walks a day (since he is off track).

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